Farewell Flight – TOUR TIPS (Part 2 of 2)
Alternative band, Farewell Flight, were kind enough to write a set of Tour Tips for you guys to learn from. You can check out part 2 of 2 after the break.
Alternative band, Farewell Flight, were kind enough to write a set of Tour Tips for you guys to learn from. You can check out part 2 of 2 after the break.
6. Smart kids don’t buy their lunch, they pack it. You’ll save a ton of money if you grocery shop and pack a food box before you leave. Try not to eat fast food for the entire tour. You absolutely will, but if you try to avoid it completely, you’ll manage to keep it under 5 times. And if a homeless guy comes up asking for change while you’re loading in or smoking by your van, you can whip him up a sandwich, some chips and an apple, and do something nice for another person.
7. Buy a flask and keep it full. For bands who enjoy a drink or two before they play (especially those who don’t get a free case of Dogfish Head on their rider every night), it can get expensive. Often times, the “band discount” is something insulting, like $0.25 off of regular price. We have found a flask solves this problem (though our official stance is: “Don’t do it, you might get kicked out of the bar.”). Be discreet. Also, order at least one beer at regular price and tip.
8. Take turns designating driving. Self-explanatory.
9. Be thoughtful of the people you stay with. When you crash at someone’s house (by the way, you should almost certainly not be staying in hotels…that should go without saying), be tidy and thoughtful. Wash not only your dishes, but the other ones in the sink (most people have a dishwasher, so this is easy). Don’t leave your dirty towel in the bathroom, put it with the laundry. Get off of your effing iPad and have a conversation with them. Don’t eat their food unless they offered (or unless you can be really, really sneaky about it). Don’t steal their stuff, you freaking moron (surprisingly, after our experiences with some the other bands we’ve toured with, this actually needs to be said). If you’re polite and a good houseguest and friend, they will pretty much always offer to have you next time you’re in town. And often, they look forward to it so much, that next time they’ll make a meal and maybe even buy you some booze.
10. Put each other before yourselves. Four people need to shower, and there’s only so much time/hot water, so make it snappy. Buy each other a drink every now and again for no reason. Offer the only bed to someone else and sleep on the floor. Hold your tongue. Keep the driver company on long hauls. Making a sandwich? Make one for the guy next to you too; he’s probably hungry. Don’t talk behind each other’s backs. Don’t argue if you’ve been drinking; wait til tomorrow. Avoid pet peeves whenever possible. Be the first to apologize after a fight. Don’t keep a list of wrongdoing in your head. Don’t do good things for each other in order to be noticed, do it to be a good friend and brother. Your reward is that your heart will become light.
Make sure to check out Farewell Flight on Facebook, Twitter and Myspace.