Fast Romantics – TOUR TIPS

This new set of Tour Tips was written by Shane O’Keeffe, of the indie rock band, Fast Romantics. You can check out the tips, after the break.

Fast Romantics – TOUR TIPS

This new set of Tour Tips was written by Shane O’Keeffe, of the indie rock band, Fast Romantics. You can check out the tips, after the break.

1. Bring earplugs! Even though we are used to constant loud noise, sleeping in a small room with a bunch of guys snoring can make getting a good night’s sleep quite the challenge.

2. Stop and smell the roses, you can get pretty bummed out if all you see is a hotel, the inside of a smelly van and a venue night after night. Grab something to eat away from the neon signs, talk to some locals and go where they go. We found this bar away from the main drag in Austin called The White Horse had our wildest night on the tour so far and it was a Monday.

3. Have each other’s backs. We are a pretty mixed bunch with cycling and coffee enthusiasts, those who want to party and others that still have to work on the road. We have to be aware of each other’s needs to keep everyone smiling. However, if Matt is on his computer a bunch with work, I like to open a beer and talk about how tasty it is until he caves in.

4. Look after your body. It can be pretty hard to eat healthy so look out for fruit and veg where you can, go for a run. Drink lots of water… All the things our parents told us to do. Also, when you have the opportunity to eat poutine in Montreal, or BBQ in Texas you really should do that too.

5. Remind yourself how lucky you are to be doing this. I slept on the floor last night and missed my bed in my room with reliable internet and clothes that don’t have creases with a clean towel hanging behind the door. But I am in a foreign country meeting the best people, seeing new things and playing songs in a rock and roll band. Getting messages from friends at home saying “you met Benjamin Gibbard? I hate you!” When you weigh up the pros and cons it’s pretty amazing so you just need to remember that in the tough moments.

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