In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the rock band, First Ghost, talk about some of their crazy moments from touring.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the rock band, First Ghost, talk about some of their crazy moments from touring. You can check out the feature, after the break.
We’re all pretty low key guys so we don’t have many crazy tour party stories but I’ll tell you about the time we almost died. It was Thanksgiving back home in Toronto and our first time playing in the US. We were in California touring in a burgundy Chevy Astro van from the early 90’s that we’d borrowed from Anton’s dad. We had just played San Francisco and were making the long drive to Los Angeles. Most of the guys were sleeping and I’m not exactly sure where we were, but if you’ve seen the movie “The Hills Have Eyes” – that’s where we were.
So we’re driving on this section of highway with about a 30ft vertical drop onto a concrete aqueduct on our left when a transport truck to our right loses its tire and flies into our van. Then a piece of the loose tire gets stuck under one of our back wheels causing it to heat up and literally explode. The back of our van slams down onto the road and at this point we are totally out of control and swerving to the edge of the road. That 30ft drop was looking like 200ft and seconds felt like hours. My life was flashing before my eyes but I could still hear snores coming from the backseat. Anyways, since I’m writing this, it’s needless to say we Vin Dieseled the shit out of that situation and glided to safety. We were able to get a tow to the nearest Denny’s to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving and recoup for our show the next day.