Join us as Flora Cash tells you one of their crazy stories from being on the road.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the indie pop/rock duo, Flora Cash, shares one of their stories from being on the road. You can check out the story below:
The Time We Rocked St. Patrick’s Day on a Flatbed Truck in Scranton, PA
Ah, the life of a musician. A series of glamorous gigs, screaming fans, and posh venues, right? Well, sometimes you find yourself playing on the back of a flatbed truck, wobbling through Scranton, PA on St. Patrick’s Day, trying your best not to knock over a toddler.
Here’s the backdrop: A picturesque St. Patrick’s Day in Scranton, crowds lining the streets, eager for festivities and music. Enter Flora Cash, geared up to provide said music, and a brave sound guy jogging alongside our “stage” (yes, the truck) with his iPad mixer to balance our sound. His dedication? Olympic-level. His cardio? Definitely improved that day.
The truck in question wasn’t exactly the zenith of health and safety. No guards, no barriers, just a whole lot of hope and prayers that our balance would hold. Every turn, every sudden stop was a test of our core strength and our ability to keep the show going without missing a beat.
Among the select “VIP” audience on the truck, a few families decided to camp out with their young ones. Now, here’s the thing: as performers, our primary concern is always the safety of our audience, especially the pint-sized members. So, we tried to voice our concerns, diplomatically hinting that perhaps the back of a moving truck wasn’t the best spot for a family chill-out.
One mom, however, seemed to interpret our cautionary stance differently. “Oh, you don't want us near you?” she responded, a tinge of offense in her voice. As if we were the Rockstar divas trying to maintain an exclusive bubble. In reality, we were just trying to ensure we didn’t accidentally serenade her kid with the sole of our shoe.
The reason behind this wild gig setup? Radio promo. Scranton was a pivotal rung in our climb to the top of alt radio charts. And when you’re chasing a dream, you sometimes have to teeter on the edge (quite literally, in this case) and hope for the best.
In retrospect, that day was a roller coaster of thrills, near misses, and comedic misunderstandings. It serves as a shining example of the unpredictable, slightly mad, but always memorable path we've trodden as a couple and as artists.
To all the budding artists out there: Embrace the chaos, cherish the oddball gigs, and if you ever find yourself on the back of a flatbed truck, hold on tight and watch out for sassy moms and their toddlers!
Keep up with Flora Cash on their website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.