This crazy story from the road was written by the pop-rock band, We Are Forever. You can check out their story, after the break.

This crazy story from the road was written by the pop-rock band, We Are Forever. You can check out their story, after the break.
So on our first tour we ever went on we went all the way down to Dallas Texas, and we did that drive all in one day, that 22 hour drive could be a story all in its own. We went down there to play a huge party which was a lot of fun, we then went on to Louisiana and played in Monroe, the next night. The day after that we had a day off, which so happened to be our drummer’s (Peewee) birthday, so we figured we’d do something fun. So the night before we had asked some of the locals where we could wrestle some alligators, completely kidding. One of the locals actually gave us the name of the place where you can go see some.
So the next day we went and checked it out, we saw some in the water and saw you could rent canoes and go in the bayou. So we decided what the hell, its Peewees 15th birthday, lets do it! We went and got in and started and realized we were completely surrounded by alligators and other creatures that lived in that bayou, some of them popping their heads up right next to our canoe. Needless to say we paddled as fast as we could back to shore and got the hell out of there. It was a lot of fun, kind of scary and completely dumb. A very memorable 15th birthday for Peewees birthday.
Keep up with We Are Forever on Facebook and Twitter!
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