We Are Forever – TOUR TIPS
This new set of Tour Tips was written by the Indianapolis-based pop/rock band, We Are Forever. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.

This new set of Tour Tips was written by the Indianapolis-based pop/rock band, We Are Forever. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.
1. Give everyone space. You are on the road for a few weeks and sometimes months at a time with your band/crew. Sometimes things can go wrong and people can get a little on edge. Make sure everyone has their own space so you’re not hating each other by the end of the tour.
2. Sleep whenever you get the chance. Sleep is sometimes hard to come by on tour, most of the time its in your van or on a floor somewhere. Some nights you have to drive overnight to get to your next venue and might only get 3 hours of sleep, so when you get the chance to sleep, do it!
3. Don’t forget all of your clothes. This one may sound obvious, but one of our members (Ricky) has had this unfortunately happen to him. We were leaving for a two week tour, and he seemed to forgot his bag of clothes at his house, he then had to wear the same clothes, underwear included, everyday for the entire tour.
4. As hard as it may be, try to eat healthy. Healthy food on the road is not easy to get unfortunately, but when there is a chance to get some get it. Eating off the dollar menu for every meal will make you feel like complete crap all day. Maybe go for a salad instead of a double cheeseburger, even if its a few dollars more.
5. Be nice and humble to everyone you meet. Not everyone gets the chance to go out on tour and live their dream, be nice to every venue owner and every other band on the show, because without any of them that tour would have never happened.