From Tyranny - DREAM TOUR
Join us as From Tyranny tells you about who they would want on their dream tour.

In this Dream Tour segment, the metalcore band, From Tyranny, reveals who they would want on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out their picks below:
Hey guys! I’m Danny and I’m one of the guitar players in From Tyranny. We’re a Metalcore band based in Glasgow, Scotland. We’ve just dropped our new single ‘The Other Side Of The Mirror’, for sure our heaviest and most brutal track to date.
Lorna Shore - I and few other From Tyranny members actually ran into Lorna Shore and we shared a drunken night out together. They had just played a show in Glasgow and we bumped into them in our local Alt night club ‘The Cathouse’ (affectionately known as ‘Catty’). We spent the whole night drinking and having laughs, and I can wholeheartedly say that they’re some of the best guys I’ve ever met in this industry so far. So yes, we’d love to tour with them!
Alpha Wolf - Alpha Wolf are one of mine and our other guitarist Euan’s favourite bands, and he was definitely channelling this band a lot when writing our new track ‘The Other Side Of The Mirror’. The new track is full of chugs and Drop G silliness so it’s very heavily inspired! Alpha Wolf as a band have come in and absolutely taken the industry by storm and its all so well-deserved, and to have the opportunity to tour together would be so sick. I feel us Scots have a certain affinity with Australians being we both have funny accents, so we’d get on like a house on fire- it’d be a right laugh!
Trivium - Matt Heafy is the sole reason I play Metal guitar. Not to sound dramatic, but Ascendancy literally changed my life! Despite being a lot more new school in terms of production and style, our new track ’The Other Side Of The Mirror’ features a lot of fast gallops reminiscent of that era of Trivium. On tour I feel like Matt Heafy would also be a total tour dad and keep us right and out of trouble!