The Funeral Portrait – 2nd ROAD BLOG from 2015 Co-Headline Tour with Vanity Strikes
The theatre rock band, The Funeral Portrait, is currently on their co-headline tour with Vanity Strikes. While they’re on this tour, they will be doing an exclusive blog for us. You can check out the second entry, with photos, after the…

The theatre rock band, The Funeral Portrait, is currently on their co-headline tour with Vanity Strikes. While they’re on this tour, they will be doing an exclusive blog for us. You can check out the second entry, with photos, after the break.
After a killer show in Panama City, we found ourselves a cozy little parking spot and camped out for the night. Our next stop was in Jacksonville, We love playing small rooms, and this was no exception. To give people more room to move around, we converted our trailer into a mobile merch booth for our tour manager, Squid. Everyone killed it. After hanging out with the locals, we lucked out and found a couch to crash on and met some awesome people.

The drive to Brunswick was the shortest the whole tour, so we got on the road early and found our way to the world famous Glynn Place Mall, home of a JCPenney. A few hours of hacky sack and China Wok, we headed over to the Frankendiner. At first we were skeptical of how the night was going to go having never played in Brunswick before, but the staff was friendly, got some delicious sandwiches, and turnout was great! Especially for a Tuesday.

Another short drive and we were in Myrtle Beach. With time to kill and all of the beauty of the ocean around us, we ended up at another mall. Juergie let loose on some trampoline while everyone else got some free electric current massages. The Fat Cat Cafe was another unsuspecting place that turned out to have a great crowd, great bands, and damn good coffee. After the show, us and the VS boys drove to Raleigh, to stake it out at Squid’s place in anticipation for and the rough New England weather ahead.