Get Busy Living – DREAM TOUR
In this Dream Tour segment, the pop punk band, Get Busy Living, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

In this Dream Tour segment, the pop punk band, Get Busy Living, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.
Get Busy Living- So obviously, if we could, Spinal Tap would be hilarious and fun to tour with if it could be real. The comedy level would be at an all-time high.
Chase- Since Spinal Tap really isn’t a choice I’d like to tour the world with Motley Crew, party on a plane around the world or on the tour bus after the shows. I couldn’t even begin to image how crazy that would be. Thousands of screaming fans wherever you go would be the best feeling ever.
Jonny- We tour in a van and a crap trailer and drive ourselves. So a Dream tour would be would be a new bus, trailer and someone to drive haha. And to tour with Andrew W.K., the never stop partying around America tour.
Jeff- Yea a new bus and trailer and driver would be amazing. A Dream tour would be to tour with Queen around the world.
Chase- Also just being able to tour with the guys and meeting new people who like our music is always a dream. If we could pay our bills with our music and go to new countries and eat good food and meet new people would be a success and that is a dream that we are still chasing!
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