This crazy story from the road was written by the pop soul artist, GoldFord. You can check out his story, after the break.

This crazy story from the road was written by the pop soul artist, GoldFord. You can check out his story, after the break.
A few years back I was on tour somewhere in the midwest. Let’s just say that it’s a state that rhymes with “break-the-law”. We played a great show and because it was an earlier show we had a chance to go out after and check out the town. It way my drummer’s birthday so we had a few (too many) drinks to celebrate. We ended up closing down a karaoke bar and spilling out into the street. This particular town had most of its bars concentrated on Main St. At closing time everyone collects in the streets after the bars close for an “after bar” party. There were several “mounted cops” on horses. My drummer being the birthday boy, decided that he wanted to pet one of the horses. The other guys in the band strongly advised against it. Just as we were talking about it a fight broke out right next to us. People were pushing and shoving and one of the “mounted cops” came rushing over to break up the fight and my drummer saw his opportunity. So he proceeds to start petting the horse. The other horse cop saw this and came over accusing my drummer of starting the fight that we had nothing to do with. The cop called over two other cops and told my drummer, “you are under arrest for breaking the peace and violating a police animal”. Without hesitation he puts cuffs on my drummer and hauls him over to the paddy wagon. We obviously saw what went down and knew that he didn’t start the fight, so we we’re angry about the wrong call and some of us we’re expressing that discontent. My guitar player was the first one to speak out to the mounted cop. He tried convincing the cop that we we’re “pushed against the horse and that we had no choice but to touch such a beautiful animal” , the cop hops off his horse and places cuffs on the my guitar player and carts him off to the paddy wagon. This chain of events really upsets my bass player. He starts yelling at the cops and pointing at the horses pleading his case and how we we’re wrongfully accused. As if this was a good idea. They we’re not messing around. Boom! The same cop grabs him, cuffs him and carts him off to the paddy wagon. This all happened in a matter of 5 minutes. I looked around and realized that my entire band just got arrested and is sitting in a paddy wagon about to be taken to jail. One guy had the keys to the van, the other had our hotel key from when they checked in earlier without me. It was 3 AM and I didn’t know what hotel we we’re staying at and I was locked out of the van. I had no choice but to walk to the police station and bail my entire band out of jail. The moral of the story is if you’re gonna pet a horse cop, make sure no one is looking at you. :)
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