Good Teal - DREAM TOUR
Join us as Good Teal reveals their dream tour lineup picks.

In this Dream Tour segment, the hardcore punk band, Good Teal, reveals who they would want on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out their picks below:
REG (Vocals/Bass)
I’d 100% love to play a tour with MCR (jersey royalty), Amyl & The Sniffers cause Amy Taylor is a firecracker of a performer on stage, The Hives, Jack White and Injury Reserve / Bye Storm. A lot of those bands are really charismatic to me and I LOVE me a good rhythm section. Anything remotely weird or has a great energy to it, I’m sold on. So those are my picks for sure.
ALEX (Lead Guitar)
Death Grips
Linkin Park (Meteora era obviously)
This would just be a chaotic frenzy of pure fun and mayhem. A mix of personal nostalgia and modern influence, I would be ecstatic to be on a tour like this. I think that a lot of the energy and soul that we resonate with is present within all of these bands in very different ways. It would be one of hell of a tour that would bring a lot of good people together.
SHANE (Drums)
A Summer amphitheater tour on the East and West coasts with Gorillaz, Idles, Teenage Wrist, and Good Teal. I can just imagine between the weather and the sunsets how much fun that energy and variety would be as a package. There’s a glow to each band that would compliment yet keep things fresh for the concert goer. You’ll laugh, rage, cry, and smile all in the same night, I think that would be dope.
CURT (Guitar/Production)
Madvillain, Stevie Wonder(mid 70s), & Tyler the Creator
Even though I saw him live once before, seeing a prime Stevie would be a whole different experience. Dude was the definition of “ahead of his time”. MF Doom and Madlib by themselves are legends and they on right, but them together as Madvillain is unbeatable. To be honest, as great as that set would be, it would be kinda funny to guess if DOOM would even show up or not. He probably would’ve just had one of his “doombots” take his place anyway. Outside of Stevie, Tyler the Creator is probably the best concert I’ve ever been to. His stage designs be lookin like something outta broadway. Also out of pure wishful thinking be really cool if he did a set of straight B sides, even brought out some of the other OF guys (not only fans.)