Halcyon Drive – TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, the indie rock band, Halcyon Drive, recommends their advice for anyone hitting the road.

Halcyon Drive

In this Tour Tips segment, the indie rock band, Halcyon Drive, recommends their advice for anyone hitting the road. You can check out their tips, after the break.

1. Read books, don’t become a Zombie
Touring is 40 percent inspiration, 10 percent perspiration, and 50 percent sitting around waiting to get on stage. Yep, there are no two ways to put it but touring musos have a fair bit of spare time. I make sure to pack a bunch of good books to kill time at airports, on planes, and in the van. Mainly to avoid becoming a 24-7 Instagram zombie.
2. Greens over Maccy Dees
Touring is tough on the body and mind. Late nights and drinking take their toll, so it’s important to look after yourself. Keeping those vocal cords in prime condition also takes effort and shouldn’t be underestimated. At Halcyon Drive we like to eat well and get plenty of sleep, not to say we don’t enjoy a few beverages at the show.
3. Distract your brain
Play games to stay sane on the road. We’d like to claim ownership of inventing the 2018 road trip classic ‘Song Tag’. Essentially, using Spotify or similar, each player has to nominate a song based on the previous one. It could be something in the names, the production or simply what it reminds you of, but the link has to be chosen, explained and accepted by the players before the first song is over, otherwise you are out! We’ve literally killed hours doing this.
4. Smell-you-later
Definitely select band members who share a similar standard of personal hygiene as you. When on tour you will be surprised the number of times you will be found in close confined, claustrophobic circumstances. Long haul car journeys, planes, elevators, green rooms just to name a handful. If you’re stuck with Mr or Mrs Stinky, either learn to love, or perhaps invest in a communal band emergency fumigant.
5. Get Nude
Get yourself familiar and comfortable with your body and those of your band mates, because motel rooms don’t leave much space for privacy folks. Embrace the skin you’re in.

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