Halcyon Way – TOUR TIPS

Here is a new set of Tour Tips written by the progressive metal band, Halcyon Way. You can check them out after the break.

Halcyon Way – TOUR TIPS

Here is a new set of Tour Tips written by the progressive metal band, Halcyon Way. You can check them out after the break.

1. Don’t duke on the bus!  Number one rule, it will stay there for hours……
2. Bring your own toilet paper, a bath towel, and shower shoes.  You won’t believe some of the places you’ll have to bathe in and you don’t want to have to learn this the hard way by drying off with a t-shirt like I did while fearing typhoid from the crusty floor!
3. Minimize the moving parts….there’s a lot going on when you’re on the road.  Do you REALLY need that 20-piece pedal board?  No?  Then don’t bring it.  Keep it simple.
4. Get plenty of rest when you can – try to keep to a normal schedule.  Your body clock can get really messed up and after a few days of that you’ll be a zombie.  And party in moderation….if you try to act like David Lee Roth circa 1985 you’re going to not only look like a douche, but you’ll end up ruining the tour for yourself.
5. Be a pro….you’re working.  It might be the best job ever, but you’re still at work.  Don’t be a douche to the club owners, the tour manager, the fans, etc. People will remember you either way and you don’t want to be remembered for the wrong reasons.

Keep up with the band on Facebook and Twitter.