Haunt the Woods – TOUR PRANKS

In this Tour Pranks segment, the progressive rock band, Haunt the Woods, chats about pranks that have happened on tour.

Haunt the Woods

In this Tour Pranks segment, the progressive rock band, Haunt the Woods, chats about pranks that have happened on tour. You can check out the story, after the break.

Drummer Oliver Bignell is Haunt the Woods’ verified king prankster. He has caused – and continues to inflict – a significant amount of terror on the other members. No one is safe.
During our time at Middle Farm Studios, Olly provided Jack (bassist) and Sam (former manager) with beef jerky after a short trip to the shops. After tucking in, and it tasting a bit odd (but clearly not odd enough to cause alarm), Olly revealed that these were in fact dog chews that he had provided to snack on.
We once had a tour bus driver for one of our UK tours, and Olly’s farts caused him to literally be sick out of the window. On this same tour, Olly and the guys convinced Jon (lead singer) that the game ‘numberwang’ was real. It took 2 weeks for Jon to realize.
Perhaps Olly’s most famous prank involves him making our lead singer cry using only a teddy bear. This prank is steeped in mystery, and the full story has never truly seen the light of day. It isn’t unusual for the band to be on tour and wake up in the morning to Olly besides us, him whispering in our ears. Our lead singer to this day refuses, amicably, to sleep in the same room as Olly.
Unfortunately, Olly is quite good at jujitsu, so the rest of the band remains unable to stop him in any meaningful way.

Keep up with the band on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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