In this Dream Tour segment, the singer-songwriter, Ian Grey, lets you know who he would like on his ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.


In this Dream Tour segment, the singer-songwriter, Ian Grey, lets you know who he would like on his ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

Glen Hansard—
The life-changing emotions I felt when I first heard his music will forever stay with me. I can proudly say that his concert was the best one of my life! No other artist has influenced me in the way that Glen has. The raw passion he delivers in his music and live performances simply cannot be emulated. So playing with my biggest inspiration on tour would be a dream come true.
Twenty Øne Piløts—
If there’s one band that has totally gone against the “rules” of modern music, it’s definitely them. You’re practically put through a song structure boot camp when listening. The fact that two guys from a small town in Ohio can produce such amazing, diverse music has been so inspiring to me. They’ve truly shaped me as an artist.
Bob Dylan—
There isn’t much I can say about Dylan that hasn’t already been said. He honestly is the most influential songwriter of the Folk genre. The fact that his songs recorded in the 60’s still apply to much of today’s problems should give you enough information as to how powerful of a songwriter he is. I can give him all the credit for the nights I didn’t sleep because I was writing songs I never thought I could.
Ed Sheeran–
Ed Sheeran has shown me that it’s possible to be solo artist and still sell out arenas like Wembley stadium. As a guitarist, I’m incredibly inspired by his ability to play shows around the world while it’s only just him and his guitar. He’s given me hope that I may one day do the same.

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