Imad Royal – TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, the singer-songwriter, Imad Royal, gives you his tips for being on tour.

Imad Royal – TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, the singer-songwriter, Imad Royal, gives you his tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

1) Drink hella hella hella water and sneak in an Emergen-c once a day if you can. Being on the road can really take a toll on your health, and if you’re not healthy… you’re not performing at the level you wanna be playing at. On my first tour ever with Skizzy Mars, I got sick like 5 shows into it cause I sucked at taking care of myself haha.
2) Get to know the people around you! When you’re on tour with other artists, you’re gonna be on tour with their whole team. Be friendly and try to have fun with these people, or else you’re gonna have yourself a veeerrryyyyy long tour
3) Keep up with your mental health. This one is really important… being on the road, going from city to city, hotel room to hotel room can become very taxing and lonely. I’m extremely blessed to have amazing friends I can always chat with to keep me motivated and having an amazing family to keep my head on straight. My big bro Ricky has been there for me already while I was out on the road and it made all the difference in my mood/attitude.
4) JAM SOME MUSIIICCCCCC!! I always have albums that I’ve missed or overlooked and being on the road gives you plenty of time to dive in. For me, it’s almost like a bonding experience with the people I’m traveling with cause I can get to listen to the stuff that shaped their youth or have left lasting impacts on them.
5) Have a lot of fucking fun hahaha. Being a touring musician is an absolute privilege… eat the bombest food, take the bombest pictures, meet the bombest people and live it up to the max. Being able to perform for people night after night is a memory you’ll never wanna forget (hopefully).

Keep up with the artist on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

(Photo credit: Nolan Feldpausch)