Indestructible Noise Command – TOUR TIPS
New York band, Indestructible Noise Command, have written a set of awesome Tour Tips for you guys to learn from. You can check them out after the break.
New York band, Indestructible Noise Command, have written a set of awesome Tour Tips for you guys to learn from. You can check them out after the break.
1. Don’t take a shit in the public toilet at the club you are gigging at, your fans want something signed.
2. Don’t drink Cuervo Gold right before you hit the stage or it will find itself all over the stage
3. Don’t try to recreate shit you saw on youtube or old Jimmy Hendrix videos like playing with your teeth, caps are expensive
4. Drive on the WRONG side of the road in the UK ….they think that is right
5. Remember, if you are going to stick you wick into something backstage, be prepared for lots of wick tracks
Make sure to check out Indestructible Noise Command on Twitter and Myspace and Facebook.