Ionia – 2nd ROAD BLOG from Wintour 2013 with Saint Diablo
Ionia is currently on a headlining tour with Saint Diablo called the “Wintour 2013”. While they are out on this tour, they will be writing an exclusive Road Blog for us. You can read their second update after the break.

Ionia is currently on a headlining tour with Saint Diablo called the “Wintour 2013”. While they are out on this tour, they will be writing an exclusive Road Blog for us. You can read their second update after the break.
You can’t make demands of the driver! The rule has always been, if one is driving ,IE holding everyone else’s life in there hands, not to mention responsible for $60k plus of gear and the container that shields them from the harsh unforgiving elements, that person will choose what ever the fuck we listen to! So, let it be written, so let it be done! AND YOU WILL KNOW MY NAME IS THE LORD! WHEN I LAY MY VENGEANCE UPON YOU! Week three. People start to get a bit of cabin fever after a couple weeks locked up together for the majority of the day. This is the courting period really, just the beginning of your misdirected hatred and anger for one another that you artificially created to stave off facing your own inadequacies as a human being. It happens to the best of us, it’s the worst of the best of us. We all must walk in to our mirrors and find out what we are made of, and our brethren are the best ones to help us see this. Of course it is only natural to feel threatened by this action. We are boys after all. We come with so much fallibility, so much ego, it can be hard to wade through, to find the truth and beauty of humility. Maybe this is a bit philosophical for a second installment of a road diary? Fuck it! I’m a musician. Not a writer. The more we play, the stronger we become, and this is a powerful thing. With every passing show the potency of our raw power becomes more focused like we are all holding up a magnifying glass and pushing the light particles in to such a small space that they implode with radioactive might. It feels good to find our feet and help one another see the flaws with in ourselves. Even if it stings. This is the value of pressure, of friends and brothers, we set our selves to purpose and push one another to the edge, if we didn’t then that would be the true insult. We are no where near where we wish to be yet, but somewhere between the Atlantic and the Pacific, North America and China, space and made up time, I think we will find what we’re made of. My gratitude to the asphalt, and all that comes with it, Ionia.