Ionia – 4th ROAD BLOG from Wintour 2013 with Saint Diablo
Ionia is currently on a headlining tour with Saint Diablo called the “Wintour 2013”. While they are out on this tour, they will be writing an exclusive Road Blog for us. You can read their fourth update after the break.

Ionia is currently on a headlining tour with Saint Diablo called the “Wintour 2013”. While they are out on this tour, they will be writing an exclusive Road Blog for us. You can read their fourth update after the break.
What is it about the world we live in that makes us so unable to have food that doesn’t kill us readily available to the masses in a country with so much excess? Are the conspiracies true? Is the government trying to keep the lower class weak, obese, addicted, and brain dead? Each time we tour and leave the bubble of the city we live in where we can buy locally grown organic food that is gmo and additive free at a fair cost, I have to think,,, the man is trying to destroy the plebeians of society. Or at the very least keep us despondent, and sick. We will not go down without a fight. We must return to a time where we respected what we put in are mouths, and I think if we can get back to that hopefully more respectful things will come out of us. In our current predicament we search hi and low everyday for something simple and pure, some beans and rice, maybe some avocado something green. Perhaps some bread and veggie meat or tofu, when we come across a natural food store it’s like a holiday. We descend upon it like a swarm of locusts, we leave very little in our wake. I guess all we can do, is create more demand for products that sustain life, and less for the things that do not. I would hope that anyone who has an idea that what you take in has so much effect on what you put out. I would call upon anyone who cares for others, for the welfare of all living things, for the planet, please we must try to make a difference in the collective consciousness of the people. Until then,, I will try to find something for lunch. My gratitude to the asphalt, Ionia.