In this Tour Pranks segment, the pop artist, J Sutta, shares some pranks that have happened on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

Fotograf, Photographer, Los Angeles, Hollywood, Heidelberg

In this Tour Pranks segment, the pop artist, J Sutta, shares some pranks that have happened on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

We had just finished touring the US and were headed north to Canada. Bear in mind that we had all heard horror stories about problems with bands entering into Canada from the States. We knew how tough they are at customs and immigration and were all already a little nervous.
So we finally arrived at the border and our tour manager hops off the bus with our passports, to speak to one of the Canadian officers in charge. They seemed to be engaged in a long conversation and as more and more officers arrived they started to look through our bags too. The main officer enters the bus and starts handing our passports back to us, one by one. Finally, he gets to our sixth and final band mate and says, “Miss…..you are gonna have to come with me immediately” and then proceeds to put her in handcuffs.
We were all completely shocked and in disbelief. What was she being arrested for? What had she done? Did someone accidentally put some of Cali’s finest into one of her pockets and forget to remove it?? We had no idea and all of us started to panic and cry as you do when you are in a girl band.
Our bandmate was led off the bus and we followed closely behind still in panic and fear…As we climbed down the steps all I remember is hearing and seeing a haze of unanimous laughter and pointing coming from all the officers and our tour manager. We had been pranked…very badly!

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