James Gillespie – TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, the pop artist, James Gillespie, recommends advice for being a musician on the road.

James Gillespie

In this Tour Tips segment, the pop artist, James Gillespie, recommends advice for being a musician on the road. You can check out the tips, after the break.

Alright. This is an important one because not being ready for tour SUCKS. Trust me. My first thing to say – is get your body ready. Like 2 months before tour start working out, eating healthy, exercising, sleeping etc. Because you wont be doing any of that on tour and if your body isnt right when you leave – you aint gonna feel good during!!!
Next up is battery packs. I bring two. Chargers are always used, stolen or not available. And when you DO find a plug you will have to leave your phone around a bunch of people you might not know. Bring your own usb battery pack – charge em when you can – long live the lifeline.
FILM. DONT TAKE PICS. If you take pics of everything – yeah you will have some posts on Instagram. But film little clips of everything that happens and you will end up with the best 20 minute movie ever. Break it up and post it. Show people your world the right way.
NINTENDO. I know touring should be filled with music, friends and new experiences but the truth is that sometimes you need to switch off from everything. i bring a switch with me and play everything. Sometimes you need to zone out and disappear. Especially if its a long tour. This way you get off feeling more positive and fresh and are more fun to be around. Do it for everyone. ahahaha. Just a cheeky hour here and there.
Lastly – clubs. AVOID if your a singer!!!!! Its not the booze or the late nights that will mess you up. Its having to scream to talk to people all night after gigs. That will ruin the entire tour. Go to a chilled bar after the show, hang out with the right people get a vibe and dont shout. hahhaa.

Keep up with him on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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