Join us as JOA tells you about what she does to prepare for the show.

(photo credit: Hedda Rysstad)

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the pop/folk artist, JOA, reveals what she does before taking the stage. You can check out the rituals below:

Before a show, I have a couple of must-dos for every performance.

Taking a walk: I always have to take a walk sometime during the day before a show. It is essential for me because it helps clear my mind, making me more focused once I get up on stage. During my walk, I like to listen to music. This allows me to focus solely on the music, and I also get inspired when I think, “How would this sound live?” or “What would I do during this song if it were mine?” I think this really helps me get into the zone I need to be in. If I can't take a walk before the performance, I enjoy just sitting in a dimly lit room by myself. Some me-time always helps me focus on what I need to.

Vocal warmups: I also like doing warmups for my voice. This not only makes my vocals sound better but also reassures me that my voice is where it should be. It’s almost like a yoga session for your vocal cords.

Journaling for confidence: I like to write down what I’m good at in my notebook. My notebook always follows me around wherever I go, and it helps me a lot when I’m not feeling as confident—whether before writing sessions, shows, or anything else. It always helps me find my peace and makes me feel confident.

Keep up with JOA on her website, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.