Join us as Jordyn Tareaz shares one of her crazy stories from touring.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the pop R&B artist, Jordyn Tareaz, shares one of her stories from being on the road. You can check out the story below:
I got kicked out of my study abroad program my junior year of college for opening for a major label artist. As crazy as it sounds, it’s true.
Let me start from the beginning. In November 2021 I got the opportunity to open for Warner Music Group pop artist Maude Latour. I was ecstatic! As a fan of Maude and her music, I was so excited to have my first big show be opening for her. The show was originally set for December 12th at Songbyrd Music House. Though it was during finals week, I was just going to go home for the weekend in between exams to do the show. Then go back up to school, finish my last exam and move out before winter break and get ready for my abroad semester in London.
A couple days before the show we got word that the show had to be rescheduled. We were all gutted, but waited until there was a new date confirmed. We finished out the fall semester and went on to our winter breaks. Since I now had more time to prep for the show I worked more on the set list. I was also planning to release my debut single “So Good (On My Own)” January 28th, 2022 so I was excited that by the time that we did the show the song would already be out. Time passed and we found out the new date would be February 23rd 2022. I was so excited! It was during the orientation of my study abroad program, but the orientation was over zoom so I didn’t think much of it. I emailed the head of the study abroad program to let them know and ask if the orientation would be recorded so that I could watch it later.
I was astonished by the email I got in return. It said that I had to be in London by the time of the orientation and present to attend the zoom live. I was also told that I could not do the abroad program if I didn't adhere to the rules and was asked if I wanted to unenroll immediately.
I was shocked. I had always dreamed of going to London, but this performance was an opportunity I couldn't pass up.
I talked to the heads of my music business program about the problem I encountered. They said that they would talk to the director of the London program directly, but they couldn’t make any promises. I started prepping even harder for the show, promoting my new song, and accepting the fact that I maybe wouldn’t be going abroad. The date was fast approaching for the show and I couldn’t wait. I was figuring out my outfits, finalizing the backline and coordinating the show day scheduling. All of a sudden I got an email from the head of the London program saying that they would excuse my absence from orientation so I could do the show. But, on the one condition I had to fly to London right after.
This led to the most chaotic 24 hrs of my life.
The morning of the show I was prepping for my set while getting the final things I needed before 4 months in Europe. At about 3 pm my band picked me up and we headed to the venue. I was doing my makeup in the car because I was behind schedule, but we were having so much fun nonetheless. Soundcheck went great, the venue served delicious tacos for dinner, and our pre-show shenanigans helped us pass the time in the green room.
At 8pm we hit the stage and had the time of our lives. People who had seen me perform before were in the crowd and I could feel the love from the stage. Everyone was screaming the hook of my song “So Good (On My Own)” right back to me! And I was so happy that the audience was even loving the unreleased tracks that I was playing like my most recent single “Again.” After the show ended, I got to hang around and take pics with fans. Then I headed straight home to finish packing for my early flight the next morning.
Keep up with Jordyn Tareaz on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter.