Karma To Burn – TOUR PRANKS
In this Tour Pranks segment, the hard rock band, Karma To Burn, share some pranks that have happened on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

In this Tour Pranks segment, the hard rock band, Karma To Burn, share some pranks that have happened on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.
Locking people in the trailer is always funny.
Finding the hottest pepper you can find and feeding them to unsuspecting victims. Scotch bonnet was the hottest I’ve ever had. Eating a small sliver can burn for 10 minutes. So sometimes we feed people big pieces. Hiccups and puking have typically followed.
Will tells a good story about Buzzoven. Apparently they didn’t really like support band they were on tour with. So during the supports bands set, they shit in their guitar cases. That’s a pretty heavy prank, I don’t think we’ll be bringing that one back anytime soon.
Most people don’t know that you can’t shit on a tour bus, the toilets just can’t handle it. So one time he was in a parking lot at a festival, and he managed to use a bag to use the tour bus toiled to take a dump. Well once the bag was full, Will didn’t know what to do with it. Luckily, Limp Bizkit’s tour bus was parked directly beside theirs…so he naturally threw the bag under their bus.
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