In this First Concert Ever segment, the alternative pop singer, Kat Meoz, talks about the story of her first experience with live music.

In this First Concert Ever segment, the alternative pop singer, Kat Meoz, talks about the story of her first experience with live music. You can check out the story, after the break.
I grew up in Las Vegas, and my early days of going to concerts were in venues that shared walls with casinos. My mom took me to see Whitney Houston at the MGM Grand when I was 10 years old. What I most remember is that Whitney didn’t come to the stage until almost two hours after her set time was supposed to start. She blamed it on Bobby Brown, of course, just before breaking into I Will Always Love You acapella.
Wearing head to toe white, her booming voice soared. It was something powerful to hear your very first song live and have it be the same tune you sang regularly in your living room. But even still, it was my second concert ever that fully rocked my pre-adolescent world.
Two years after Whitney I was given three fourth-row tickets to Alanis Morissette at the Aladdin Hotel. No parents this time, no parents for the first time, just two of my best friends who also knew the words to every song on Jagged Little Pill. We watched Alanis run around the stage barefoot in black leather pants, her waste-length brown hair banging in and out of the noise as Taylor Hawkins wailed away on his drum-kit. This human whose voice and music I had studied the most, displayed talent and success in a way I really hadn’t witnessed until then. Her free spirit was intoxicating. An encore of You Oughta Know with everyone screaming along, and I didn’t want that concert to ever end.