In this Tour Tips segment, the indie rock artist, KEELS, gives you his tips for being on tour.


In this Tour Tips segment, the indie rock artist, KEELS, gives you his tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

1. If your in the earlier stages of touring and don’t have a big comfortable bus, I would strongly recommend some sort of pillow. It’s usually late nights and early starts when you’re on tour and the best time to catch up on sleep is when you’re in the car/splitter van on the move.
2. The second tip is to make sure you have a good set of headphones to block out background noise if you want to sleep/listen to music or watch a film.
3. Follows on. Make sure everyone is similarly prepped as you will not always want to do these things at the same time.
4. Stock up on good snacks and fluids before setting off and make sure everyone has been to the toilet! Nothing more frustrating than stopping multiple times for snacks and toilet breaks when you have a long drive ahead. (No matter how much we prep, there is one person in our traveling party with a peanut sized bladder which we’re learning to deal with.)
5. If your driving, make sure more than one person is insured on the tour wagon! It’s unfair to expect one person to do all the driving as it’s a very tiring job.
6. Make a kit checklist and most importantly, if your driver is tired take a break.
Best of luck with your travels and enjoy ✌?

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