In this Preshow Rituals segment, the rock band, KI, share what they do before every show.


In this Preshow Rituals segment, the rock band, KI, share what they do before every show. You can check out their rituals, after the break.

The Ki pre-show ritual is like lighting a fuse attached to a huge pile of dynamite. We’re the kind of band that pops pills, has a few drinks and takes shots. To clarify, we take homeopathic energy supplements and oxygen pills. We drink water, green tea, Guru energy drinks and Just Chills. We take shots of aloe vera and immune boosters. Kiley’s always bringing containers of homemade vegan goodness, cookies, and pies. Our goal is to keep the rhythm airtight and on time, the energy high, and the sound pure and harmonious, so we supplement our health in every way that we can. The healthier and more energized we are, the more powerful our performance will be.
We do barbershop style vocal warmups so we are ready to sing together on stage. We do 500 jumps to get the blood flowing and the adrenaline pumping, so when the set begins we are fired up and ready to go. Last, but definitely not least, we huddle up, stack our left hands, touch fingertips above it with our right, count to three and let out a mighty KIIIIIIIIII-YAHHHH! This has come to be known as “touching tips and spanking the stack.”
When the chance comes around, we like to play classic music like “We Will Rock You” before our set and not tell our drummer what is happening so he sits on stage awkwardly by himself trying to cue the sound guy to cut the music.
When all is said and done, we bring the most intense amount of positive, spirited energy and love we can muster between the five of us to every show. It’s the best feeling in the world.

Keep up with the band on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!