In this Preshow Rituals segment, the metalcore band, Kid Fly, reveals what they do before taking the stage.

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the metalcore band, Kid Fly, reveals what they do before taking the stage. You can check out the rituals, after the break.
Alright! Here are our pre-show rituals!
Will (vocalist): My pre-show ritual usually starts with me telling the boys “I’m only gonna have one drink before we play tonight”, Caleb (drums) will usually reply with something along the lines of “yeah same”. We then go to the bar and proceed to have our “one drink” and chat about how soundcheck went, how pumped we are to play the show, and what we’re going to do afterward. Then the bar staff usually remind us that we have a couple of drinks on our tab. One of us will usually say “Eh, one more won’t hurt”. 7 drinks later we walk to the stage, Julian (bass) shakes his head at us and we’re ready to play.
Caleb (Drums): As a drummer, cardio and stretching are so important. I take the time during soundcheck to make sure my kit is set up in a comfortable position and everything feels right. Before the show I like to stretch my arms and legs and get a bit of blood flowing, followed by a lot of beer flowing. 2 or 3 drinks later, any small nerves turn to excitement and we’re ready to put on a show.
Julian (Bass): * Slaps Bass * Nah but for real though, I get super nervous before gigs, and usually you’ll find me bouncing around and pestering the other guys trying to get rid of all of my nerves with constant banter. Then when we get on stage and hit the downbeat on the first song all the nerves are gone and I know we (and the crowd obvs) are in for a great time. :)