King Shelter – DREAM TOUR

In this Dream Tour segment, the salad rock band, King Shelter, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

King Shelter – DREAM TOUR

In this Dream Tour segment, the salad rock band, King Shelter, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

Greetings online community!

We are King Shelter, a salad rock band out of Southern California. Now you may be thinking to yourself, “what in the name of Aunt Jemina is salad rock?” Well, I’m here to enlighten you; salad rock is the culmination of alt surf grunge with hints of pop and many other influences, making it difficult to classify our sound. Salad rock lives in all of us, and we feel it is our duty to help encourage the emergence of yours.

When asked to think about who we would want to tour with, many bands come to mind: friends bands, enemy’s bands, mainstream bands, underground bands and U2 all came to mind. But when it came down to it, we were forced to make a tough decision, and this is who made our top 4.

Cage The Elephant is a band who we can relate to in many ways, and not just in the ways that you probably would have guessed (good looks/charm). Our sound, both recorded and live, has most been compared to cage the elephant due to our instrumentation, arrangement, and presence Due to these reasons, we feel like a tour with CTE would be a great fit for us. We also think that we would get along with em just fine. We would laugh together, cry together, and then have a nice tour reunion a few years down the road just for laughs. Soon enough Matt will most likely be the godfather of my son. Good times!

Next is a band that all of us grew up worshipping, The Killers. These guys would be an absolute dream to tour with. There would be so much to learn from these guys who know the ins and outs of being on the road for months at a time. Plus, being able to watch the classics like “All these things that I’ve done”, “When you were young”, “Mr. Brightside”, and “Spaceman” would be an unforgettable experience. It would be not dissimilar to a childhood dream becoming a reality.

The last two groups we would place on our dream tour are Outkast and Dr. Dog. If you are familiar with both of these acts, You may be asking yourself why we would want to tour with these bands of virtually opposite style. Well, we have the answer! Between Outkast’s timeless mainstream hits and Dr. Dogs creative and extensive discography, both of which we all love, we feel like both of these acts would be a joy to tour with. We take pride in our live show, as do both these groups, and we feel like we could energize the crowd similar to how Outkast does during “Ms. Jackson” or “Hey Ya!”. Overall, all the bands mentioned above are ones who have influenced us in one way or another as musicians and as human beings, and our dream tour would surely be with one of them.

Keep up with the band on Facebook and Twitter!

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