In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the alternative band, Knox Hamilton, talk about one of their crazy moments from touring. You can check out the feature, after the break.


In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the alternative band, Knox Hamilton, talk about one of their crazy moments from touring. You can check out the feature, after the break.

Knox Hamilton is irritable. Not our personalities as much as our bowels. We can’t touch Mexican food or greasy pizza of any kind before a show. We stock up on toilet paper and hand sanitizer when going through the desert. It’s that bad. Which leads us to our tour story.
When Drew first joined the band we initiated him by letting him drive on a particularly long day. You see, with Drew, it doesn’t really matter what he eats, it’s always an emergency. So one day after we stopped for lunch he says, “Uh oh, guys. I have to find a restroom.” Three-fourths of the band knew quite well what this meant. Drew started speeding. At a more than scary rate, to be honest. When we finally came to an exit, he took it at 70 mph and barely yielded at the stop sign off of the interstate. We’re at comical, stunt-driver level now as D races into the gas station and throws on his brakes, enveloping the establishment in our dust. Drew jams the van into park and barrel-rolls out of the vehicle into a mad sprint leaving us staring at each other in amazement.
We were impressed. Lives were put at risk and pants were threatened but Drew was cool, calm and collected in his determination not to poop on himself. Thankfully, this story has a happy ending. But with the digestive systems of a puppy on a Twinkie binge, that may not always be the case for Knox Hamilton…
-Boots, Taylor, and Cobo
P.S. Some of the characters’ names in the story have been changed to protect their identities.

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