In this Preshow Rituals segment, the singer-songwriter, KOPS, shares what he does before every show.


In this Preshow Rituals segment, the singer-songwriter, KOPS, shares what he does before every show. You can check out his rituals, after the break.

When it comes to pre-show rituals I don’t think I’m that “weird” I usually wake up with a minor panic attack. Then I check my phone to see if the show is canceled. Better safe than sorry I guess. When I calm down I’ll usually (emphasis on usually) go for a run to clear my mind and then eat a big breakfast before taking a long shower (if possible) with loud house music.
After I’ve taken care of all my hygienic hold-ups. I’ll try to convince Bo (my father) that driving me and my gear to the venue will be an E.E.E. (extremely exciting experience) and most of the time he’ll take the bate.. if not… fake crying goes a long way. I’m not proud of this method. But It’s really REALLY effective.
When I get to the venue. one way or another. I’ll meet up with the boys (band boiis) have a cigaret and start preparing for soundcheck. This is one of my favorite things to do before a show. “Why is that KOPS?” I’m glad you asked! it’s actually quite simple. I love it because this is the part where the first real nerves come creeping. It’s like a little taste of the feeling you get when playing an actual show. After soundcheck, I have a couple of hours to kill before show start. I don’t care too much for this time. it’s really stressful and I get super duper nervous. Luckily I’m really bad at turning down a free beer, which kinda helps with the shakes. I always try to keep a very very light buzz going before shows. I feel like it makes me a little more confident on stage.

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