Kylie Rothfield - TOUR TIPS
Join us as Kylie Rothfield gives you some of her tips for being on tour.
In this Tour Tips segment, the indie artist, Kylie Rothfield, recommends advice for being a musician on the road. You can check out the tips below:
These are my 5 tips for tour!
1. Stay present. It can be so difficult when you are all over the place, seeing so many cities in such a short time, not to stress about the future or get a little lost in the chaos. I try to find as many moments as I can to stay present in the moment... practicing gratitude for where I am, what I'm doing, and who I'm with.
2. Prioritize sleep over partying. It is SO tempting after shows to go out and drink with your fans and friends, especially when you're on a high and want to celebrate a great show. But I always try to set some rules/boundaries for myself (i.e., 1 drink or 1 hour, and then head back to the bus/hotel!). The next morning my body and voice are sooo grateful for it. Sleep is your best friend on the road!
3. Eat well! I have been known to fully meal prep before going on shorter tours especially. The guys in my band will sometimes make fun of me a little bit for bringing my little cooler and Tupperwares with me, but then they are always jealous of my home-cooked food when they are on their fourth gas station hot dog + Doritos combo of the week. As fun as it is to eat junk food, having a foundation of healthy food gives you more energy and lasting power while on the road... and when you feel better, you usually sound better!
4. Take a walk. My favorite way to get to know a new city is by waking up early-ish and taking a long solo walk or hike. It's nice to stretch your legs after spending so much time on a bus, especially, and a walk can energize all of your senses. Walking through a city is so much more personal and intimate than driving through it quickly.
5. Be adventurous. I always try to find at least one special thing to do in each city. Touring is NOT the same as traveling, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it! Go find the best BBQ in Kansas City or the best dim sum in SF. Take a cheesy duck tour in Boston or see Chicago via an architecture boat cruise. Or try to experience the city you're in like a local. Respect the people and the culture. Learn and experience all you can while you're there!
Keep up with Kylie Rothfield on Instagram, Twitter/X, and TikTok.