In this Preshow Rituals segment, the pop artist, Kylie Spence, shares what she does before taking the stage.
In this Preshow Rituals segment, the pop artist, Kylie Spence, shares what she does before taking the stage. You can check out her rituals, after the break.
Before performing at any show of any size, there are a few things I do regardless each time. I usually make sure to eat a pretty significant meal about an hour before I play. Oddly enough, I’ve found that chicken helps my voice not get tired or as dry, which is obviously a perk, and chicken is fantastic. I also drink a lot of water with my meal but don’t drink water right before I play. I get these weird burp things when I drink water, so I don’t want to burp on stage haha. Last, to help with my vocals, I make sure to do about 15 minutes of light exercises to warm up my chords.
When I was playing in Berlin last year, my mom shared an interesting fact with me. She told me that if you stand with a masculine stance (hands on hips and good posture for more than 5 minutes, you will feel more “powerful.” Heck, I tried it, and I felt more in control and less insecure. I also believe in putting great thoughts into the universe. I usually tell myself positive things and reassure myself by saying “I wouldn’t be here if I weren’t ready or capable.”
I always jump up and down like a freak. I find that this helps me release bad energy and get excited about what is about to happen. It also increases my adrenaline, so I have good energy for the audience. Lastly, I pray. I pray to God and thank him for allowing me to be where I am right now, and I thank him for blessing me with a talent that I love. I also shout a couple of times right before I walk on.