The Lawsuits – TOUR TIPS
This new set of Tour Tips was written by the indie/folk band, The Lawsuits. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.

This new set of Tour Tips was written by the indie/folk band, The Lawsuits. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.
1. Don’t Eat Fast Food – Whatever town you end up try and find the best local grub that you can, whether that’s BBQ in the Carolinas or Lobster Rolls in New Hampshire. You will feel better and the van will smell better…unless you hit up Ben’s Chili Bowl in DC, of course. As Brendan put it on stage, “I just had a delicious Ben’s chili dog, but later it’s going to be Brendan’s chili butt.”
2. Take advantage of buffets – Most of the time these are all you can eat on the cheap. Then, when you tap out, stuff as much food as you can in Vanessa’s purse for snacking later.
3. Don’t fart with the windows up – Wait until everyone is smoking and the windows are down, and then let it rip.
4. Driver Picks The Music – If it’s your turn to drive from Akron to Chicago then it better damn well be your choice of what to have on the radio. Nothing worse than powering through a 5 hour leg listening to someone else’s mixtape.
5. Bring baby powder – For your hair and places below the waist. At times, showers can be few and far between. Ain’t nobody got time for stinky, chaffing band mates!
BONUS TIP: Pack ample amounts of Zzzzzquil – Vans can be uncomfortable to sleep in and your snooze needs may differ from your fellow passengers. Sometimes it’s nice to toss this magic liquid down your gullet for some quality comatose shut-eye.
Keep up with The Lawsuits on Facebook and Twitter!
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