In this First Concert Ever segment, the pop alternative band, LITEYEARS, talk about their first concert(s) ever.


In this First Concert Ever segment, the pop alternative band, LITEYEARS, talk about their first concert(s) ever. You can check out the feature, after the break.

Joey – Crazy to think that it was 10 years ago but my first real show with large bands and production was a Lamb of God headline show with Behemoth and I THINK Hatebreed. I was really into Lamb of God at the time but I recall being disappointed that they opened with Hourglass and decreased the tempo compared to the album cut. That was also the first time I had been exposed to blast beats, thanks to Behemoth! I was in complete shock seeing a band in corpse paint playing extreme music but in many ways, it helped introduce me to a style of music that inevitably shaped who I am today.
Brent/Brian – we always laugh about the fact that the first show we ever attended will probably end up going down as the best show we ever attended. It was Summersault 2000, an annual summer festival that was organized and hosted by Our Lady Peace in the late 90s, and we were in our early teens. The festival bill was insane: A Perfect Circle, Treble Charger, Eve 6, Foo Fighters, Hole, Smashing Pumpkins and Our Lady Peace. It was pretty much the homemade mixtapes we were spinning in our Sony Walkmans daily at the time in concert form and, ultimately, turned out to be the moment where we first thought: “this is what we want to do with our lives”. Highlights included Raine from OLP climbing a massive tower of speakers and leaving 5 or 6 songs into The Smashing Pumpkins’ set (despite them being my favourite band) because we were too frightened by their predominantly-goth fan base!
Nick – My first concert was also Our Lady Peace. I was probably around 10 years old. Between the rowdy, drunken adults, weed-filled air and a washroom that consisted of one “communal pissing trough”, it was an incredibly shocking and traumatizing experience. I got to see my favourite band at the time, so it was completely worth it.

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