The Lonely Forest – TOUR TIPS

This new set of Tour Tips was written by the indie rock band, The Lonely Forest. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.

The Lonely Forest – TOUR TIPS

This new set of Tour Tips was written by the indie rock band, The Lonely Forest. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.

1. Don’t be a dick!

2. Don’t track dog shit in the van.

3. Get yourself a long extension chord. If there’s one outlet in the room. You can sit anywhere in the room. No worries! Best 2 bucks you will ever spend!

4. Take everything in moderation.  Everything…

5. A healthy band has a clean van. This is such an obvious one. Keep your van clean! Otherwise consider yourself living in you own filth. Which is disgusting.  Don’t be a dumbass on this one. Keep it clean! Take the garbage out at every gas stop. And don’t forget about that damn fruit in the back you were saving for later!

6. Want people in the bible belt to treat you better? Hang a cross over the rear view mirror and put a bible on your dash. This also helps with border crossing.

7. If you are being a negative jerk Stop. Internalize. Save it till later when you can scream in a pillow. Then laugh with your buddy about it later.

8. Laugh till it hurts. Distractions are key! (Play games, listen to music and  podcasts, watch new shows, keep up on your football).

9. Make sure to bring plenty of underwear!

10. Season to taste.

Keep up with The Lonely Forest on Facebook and Twitter.

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