Makeshift Prodigy – TOUR TIPS

This set of five Tour Tips was written by the guys in Makeshift Prodigy (Atlantic Records). You can check our their tips after the break.

Makeshift Prodigy – TOUR TIPS

This set of five Tour Tips was written by the guys in Makeshift Prodigy (Atlantic Records). You can check our their tips after the break.

1. If your GPS says 15 minutes away and you are in the city of New York, plan that it’ll probably be closer to 2 hours. This is true for any day of the week and any hour of the day.
2. Understand that the day you leave for tour that your next cold drink will not be until you get back. (Get a good cup and fill up with ice at every gas station you can, they usually don’t care.)
3. Come up with a bartering system, you’d be amazed what you can trade with your bandmates on the road. Watch that 3am time to sleep kinda drunk moment come and someone not have food and you do, its like gold.
4. Learn to forgive. Five or Six people all up in each other’s business 24/7 can get crazy. Always start each day ready to be a team and make the day work, especially when you know you got a string of five or six fourteen hour days
5. Always have your camera’s ready to go. What happens on the Road, ENDS UP EVERYWHERE! Keep that in mind ALWAYS.

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