In this Preshow Rituals segment, the indie pop artist, Mark Diamond, reveals what he does before taking the stage.

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the indie pop artist, Mark Diamond, reveals what he does before taking the stage. You can check out the story, after the break.
Most people before going on stage are always trying to get pumped up I feel like. Personally, my favorite thing to do is to close my eyes and try and see how slow I can get my heart rate. I’ve learned that the calmer I can become, the more present I become. When I’m on stage I want to make sure from the first step up there that I’m connected with the people in the room. I want the worries of the world to be left backstage.
I’ve tried other methods of course and they just haven’t worked out. Drinking beforehand doesn’t work for me… been there done that. I usually just become worse at everything. haha.
As time goes on I imagine my pre-show ritual will change and adapt but for now, my biggest is goal is connection. People want something real nowadays and I want to be the one to meet them there in that moment and provide it. I’m so lucky to do what I do for a living and the people who have supported me deserve all my attention when they see me live. It’s difficult of course at time but life is difficult and that’s okay sometimes.