In this Preshow Rituals segment, the pop artist, Mathew V, shares what he does before every show.


In this Preshow Rituals segment, the pop artist, Mathew V, shares what he does before every show. You can check out his rituals, after the break.

I’m a pretty meticulous kinda guy. So before every show, you can typically find me doing the same things! The most important thing for me before a show is hydration. 24 hours before my show (the most important time) you can find me competitively drinking room temperature water. Water is the best way to have your voice bounce back after a long show, and you typically need a good day to let that H20 do its magic.
Before a show, you can find me in the green room not talking and being very antisocial on my phone. Nothing kills my voice more than being a Chatty Kathy for hours before the show. I always was confused watching other musicians down a six pack and scream before the show, to then head up on stage and give a killer vocal! That was never me.
I am not your typical musician in the sense that I don’t drink or party or stay up late when I can avoid it! After my show, you’ll find me at the meet and greet and then you can find me B-lining for the nearest bed! With that being said, I do have one ritual that isn’t the best for me. Before a show, my band and I will try to find the best nachos of whatever city we’re in. We joke that our tours are the “Great Nacho Tour of the World.” This one I wouldn’t recommend, but it sure has lead to some great laughs and some great nachos.

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