Matthew Grant – DREAM TOUR

In this Dream Tour segment, the soul artist, Matthew Grant, lets you know who he would like on his ultimate tour lineup.

Matthew Grant – DREAM TOUR

In this Dream Tour segment, the soul artist, Matthew Grant, lets you know who he would like on his ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

My dream tour would be with John Mayer, Michael Buble, and Snarky Puppy. Out of these three, I’ve only seen Snarky puppy live but there is a method to my madness.
First John Mayer has to be one of most prolific storytellers of the 21st century. Did I mention the man can kill the guitar effortlessly? Ideally, he would not do just one set straight through but all of our sets would be broken up to make the perfect story throughout the night.
We would take the audience on a “roller coaster of love” that’s where Michael Buble comes in. His voice is like BUTTER!! His audience ranges in age so the show would not be a hard sell. The man can sing a jazz standard like nobodies business and keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time.
Michael and John are legends in their own right and can stand alone. So putting them together with me is like the best of three genres! You got your folk/blues with John. You got your jazz/big band with Michael. last but not least you get your soul/pop from me. That’s a show I would pay good money to see!!
I have not forgotten Snarky Puppy. OH, MY!!! There are no words for this band. The way they interpret a song and then render it lifeless is in a word – AMAZING! Snarky puppy would play for all of us as well as playing their own sets throughout the show. This would be a magical musical roller coaster that I would stand in line for over and over again.

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