Megan Joy (from American Idol) – TOUR TIPS
This new set of Tour Tips was written by singer-songwriter and American Idol season 8 finalist, Megan Joy. You can check out her tips for being on the road, after the break.
This new set of Tour Tips was written by singer-songwriter and American Idol season 8 finalist, Megan Joy. You can check out her tips for being on the road, after the break.
1) MOVE YO ASS! Sleeping in bunks can destroy your back and theres no guarantee that you are going to be getting good enough rest so taking care of your amazing Bod REALLY helps. Stretching/Bending is the most important activity for me personally but getting your heart rate up in whatever way you can is crazy beneficial. Its not easy to sit or lay around a bus for hours then have enough energy to work out before a performance…… BUT every single aspect of touring is better if you flex your discipline and DO IT.
2) EAT GOOD FOOD. Its soooooo easy to eat a bunch of crap on the road. Its cheap and everywhere. I have to make sure that 60% of what I ingest is fresh veggies, fruits and whole grains or else my digestive system destroys any extra fun I might have. I say its fine to eat the junk you love but force down some greens to help the juke move along smooooothly.
3) Take the time to talk to every single fan or potential fan. There are so many times when a certain crappy mood is messing with you or your exhausted or busy but taking the time to give absolutely anybody the time of day keeps my heart at peace and my gratitude flow moving. Even when a fan a coo coo bird nuts…. I show em love :)
4) Communication is magic. When you are living with a bunch of people in tight spaces for weeks at a time things are FOR SURE going to get crazy now and then. Make sure you are always expressing yourself and allowing everyone else to do the same. keeping feelings shoved inside equals intense emotional explosions that could easily be avoided. Also personal space is VERY NECESSARY…. be alone and allow others to be alone at least once a day for ultimate peace.
5) Pranks, gags and love notes…… Plan them, Do them, spread that stuff alllll around. day in and day out of the same routine over and over again gets old eventually. Spice things up with some good old fashioned fun, keep your inner child alive and well. If your lucky enough to have a steamy fling on tour love notes rock but if your not that lucky love notes are almost even better as notes of gratitude. Thank the crew, management, runners, venue team, band members and anyone else making things happen…. The rewards for spreading gratitude around in such tight quarters will BLOW YOUR FREAKING MIND.
Keep up with Megan Joy on Facebook and Twitter. You can purchase her album, Free to Fly, on iTunes!