Merauder – TOUR TIPS
This new set of Tour Tips was written by the hardcore band, Merauder. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.

This new set of Tour Tips was written by the hardcore band, Merauder. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.
1. Bring earplugs. Motherfuckers snore, it is what it is. If you don’t, don’t bitch about not getting to sleep!
2. Respect personal space. If someone is talking, texting, sitting there, don’t fuck with them. Leave them alone. They are a long way from home and that is likely their only link home/away. And even if they aren’t doing anything, don’t fuck with em.
3. Don’t fuck with people who are sleeping. Don’t, seriously. Just don’t. Fights start and friendships end over shit like this.
4. Come prepared. Having someone hover around you because they want to use your laptop or whatever is the worst. Same with gear, if you have shitty gear that’s always breaking down and you’re broke and the band has to dip into tour profits, people aren’t going to be stoked.
5. Clean yo stank ass up! Kinda self explanatory, but aside from just smelling bad, you can spread sickness and once one person is sick on tour, err one gets sick. Utilize vitamin c, hand sanitizer, baby wipes, showers, and sleep!