Middle Finger Salute – TOUR TIPS
Pop/punk band, Middle Finger Salute has written a set of Tour Tips for us. You can check them out after the break!
Pop/punk band, Middle Finger Salute has written a set of Tour Tips for us. You can check them out after the break!
1. Stock up on energy drinks.
2. Remember your band are your bro’s and when times get tough and everyone is tired and stressed don’t take it out on your brothers and if it happens to you don’t take it to heart, laugh it off.
3. Keep positive and make things funny so time passes quicker and drives seem shorter.
4. Sleep as much as you can and rest your body and voice – do vocal warm ups.
5. Remember why you started a band, cuz it’s for fun, so enjoy every second and don’t take yourself overly serious, but at the same time know when to be serious.