In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the alternative rock band, MONOWHALES, shares one of their stories from being on the road.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the alternative rock band, MONOWHALES, shares one of their stories from being on the road. You can check out the story, after the break.
We were on our first headline Canadian tour, on our way to BC from Toronto where we planned to stop off and finish recording Daytona Bleach. We had booked a bunch of AirBnB’s to crash in along the way, which we thought would be a step up after rolling into Sault Ste. Marie to find a notice on our motel’s door saying “as of this weekend we no longer book by the hour”.
We showed up in Kelowna, BC after leaving Edmonton and driving through the mountains for more than 8 hours. We were beat by the time we got there and stoked to get some rest. We pulled up to the AirBnB in total darkness, which we discovered was a mansion a la Scarface sitting on the edge of a lake. We were getting ready to relax into the lap of luxury when we first laid eyes on the inside of this place. It looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in years, with huge stains on the carpets everywhere you looked. Was it blood? Was it wine? Who’s to say! The guys were unpacking their stuff upstairs and I went into the kitchen to get some water. I opened the cupboards to find there were no cups, or any other vessel for that matter. What I did see staring back at me though, was a CROSSBOW. Black, kind of rusted, and looking like it could take down a small deer, I grabbed it and brought it upstairs.
This discovery started a full-scale investigation of the house, with each of us opening every door we could find to see if there were any new weapons or other surprises waiting for us. In the basement, next to a washing machine overgrown with mold, Sally found a door to a hallway/secret passage that extended into darkness. Broken glass and bullet casings covered the floor, so needless to say we didn’t venture any further to see what was waiting for us on the other end.
We slept there that night, and rather than go back after our show the next day, we overnighted it to Vancouver, rolling in around 6am. AirBnB didn’t even give us a full refund because the host said “I told them they weren’t supposed to open any of the closed doors”. I guess now we know why.
Keep up with the band on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Upcoming Tour Dates:
02 May – Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium Edmonton, Canada
13 May – The Music Hall Nightclub & Concert Theatre Oshawa, Canada
14 May – London Music Hall London, Canada
17 May – FirstOntario Concert Hall Hamilton, Canada
20 May – National Arts Centre Ottawa, Canada