Nino Helfrich – DREAM TOUR

In this Dream Tour segment, the instrumental artist, Nino Helfrich, lets you know who he would like on his ultimate tour lineup.

Nino Helfrich – DREAM TOUR

In this Dream Tour segment, the instrumental artist, Nino Helfrich, lets you know who he would like on his ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

As a guitarist who plays Instrumental music, for the most part, It’s very unusual to tour with really big bands. Instrumental guitar music is just a very special niche even in the metal world. Therefore I would choose to tour with Soilwork and Wearing Scars on my Dream Tour. Mainly because both bands are amazing and I would love to see them every night but it would also give me the possibility to play the studio versions of my new album ‘Hourglass’, which is my only record with vocals.
Björn Strid of Soilwork and Chris Clancy of Wearing Scars did the vocals for most of the tracks on the album but we haven’t done a show together yet. Playing rhythm guitar instead of 4-minute solos would also mean that I could look up from my fretboard which would be nice for a change! Being able to share a stage with Andy James, the guitarist of Wearing Scars, would be an awesome experience. I’ve learned a lot from him over the years and I always regret that I’ve never seen him live with his former band Sacred Mother Tongue.
While we’re at it, let’s ad Bullet For My Valentine to the Dream Tour, too. They have always been one of my favourite bands and you just can’t see them often enough!

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