In this First Concert Ever segment, the alternative rock band, Noija, talk about their first concerts ever.


In this First Concert Ever segment, the alternative rock band, Noija, talk about their first concerts ever. You can check out the feature, after the break.

My first real concert ever was when I saw In Flames at Sweden Rock Festival with my dad. I was probably like 13-14 and had never been to a show nor festival so I was pretty shook when we walked in an saw X amount of big Swedish metalheads lying passed out in the gutter at 3 o’clock.
The show was beyond incredible and In Flames is such a good live band. They played for like 3 hours with fireworks and the whole package. It meant a lot to me and sparked my interest for going to shows in the future.
– Ludvig Ottosson, guitars for Noija
I’ll never forget seeing Architects back in 2011. They’ve just dropped “Here And Now” and they played at a festival here in Sweden called Peace & Love and it was so warm outside.
I injured both my feet in the mosh pit and my knees were bleeding haha. I just sang along, screamed every line I knew and that was my “first” concert that I genuinely wanted to see.
– Nick Serlstedt, vocals for Noija
My first concert memory is when my mother took me to see a KISS cover band when I was maybe 5 or 6 years old. I was a big fan of the original KISS at the time but I didn’t realize that we were watching a cover band. After the show, me and my mom were brought backstage and we got my KISS t-shirt signed by the guys, I was so nervous.
– Daniel Lundgren, drums for Noija
The first concert I went to was actually at a festival. The reason I went to this festival was that my all-time favorite band at the time, System of a Down, was playing.
When I heard that SOAD was playing this festival about 6 months earlier on the radio I immediately called my uncle and about one hour later the tickets were booked.
The show was absolutely insane. I guess you recognize the feeling of knowing the lyrics to every song and singing your brains out for about two hours straight, it´s amazing.
– Max Mauritsson, bass for Noija

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