Ocean Alley – TOUR TIPS
In this Tour Tips segment, the rock/reggae band, Ocean Alley, give you their tips for being on tour.

In this Tour Tips segment, the rock/reggae band, Ocean Alley, give you their tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.
1. TM’s are generally scumbags so keep a close eye on the tour manager and what he does with the petty cash. If their hands are covered in honey then you know they’ve been rummaging around in that honey pot.
2. Another good rule of thumb is to try and eat anything at least once a day. A Canadian bloke Spence once told me to “get rid of the draws son and let me clean that pooter!”
3. Generally, you want to change guitar strings once every 6 months, however, with tour looming and that pesky TM from before, breathing down your neck, you may want to accelerate the process. Remember, however, depending on funds available and motivation levels, this may prove difficult.
4. Sometimes it can be harder to fall asleep than to wake up. Just whip it! Whip it real good!
5. Always have a spare case in the back of the car. Arguably the most important advice of all!