In this Tour Tips segment, the pop artist, OSTON, recommends advice for being a musician on the road.


In this Tour Tips segment, the pop artist, OSTON, recommends advice for being a musician on the road. You can check out the tips, after the break.

Tip #1 – Don’t eat too much taco bell. This is self-explanatory.
Tip #2 – You might think that you can drink every single night, but I promise you, you can’t.
Tip #3 – Gas station pickles are the answer for pretty much any tour situation. You’re hungry, but don’t want to eat a regular junk snack option? Gas station pickle. You’ve been arguing with your band and need to take everyone’s mind off of bickering for a minute? Gas station pickle. Just flat out craving a pickle? Gas station pickle.
Tip #4 – Double check that you have all your gear before leaving the venue. And then when you’re in the cargo ahead and triple check one more time. You’ll thank me later.
Tip #5 – Film everything. Even if it’s just on your iPhone. Capture the small moments and the big moments. Even if it seems mundane, you’ll look back and be so happy you have it.

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