Patent Pending – TOUR TIPS

This new set of Tour Tips comes from the Long Island, pop/punkers, Patent Pending! In the past, these guys have toured on Warped Tour and with bands including Bowling For Soup, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and many more. You can check…

Patent Pending – TOUR TIPS

This new set of Tour Tips comes from the Long Island, pop/punkers, Patent Pending! In the past, these guys have toured on Warped Tour and with bands including Bowling For Soup, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and many more. You can check out all five of their tips after the break.

1. Stay hydrated.
2. Don’t leave your keys in the van.
3. You get what you pay for.
4. You are not Bert, act like it! (Sesame Street)
5. Be yourself. (As long as yourself is excellent!)

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