Pete Cho – TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, the pop artist, Pete Cho, gives you his tips for being on tour.

Pete Cho – TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, the pop artist, Pete Cho, gives you his tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

1. Bring over the counter medicine or add it to your rider. Never know when something is going to hit you.
2. Get active as much as possible and do stretching since you’ll mostly be tired and will be sitting around a lot, unless you’re on stage.
3. Use the bathroom before your set. I once got a bit buzzed for my set, forget where but I had to piss like a camel after my second song in, had a two-hour set.
4. Treat the promoters, venue employees, other artists, anyone you meet with respect. You never know because one day they could end up helping you out big time in the future. Never act like a diva or you’re the shit. It will rub some people off the wrong way and they will think you’re a dick or a bitch.
5. Don’t get too drunk or party too hard, make memories, make new friends. There were times I was too drunk and now I don’t remember much. If you’re on a tour that lasts weeks, you want to make it through with ease and not be hung over and feeling like shit the entire time.
6. Take care of your body and mind.

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